In a few hours Ville will be undergoing major surgery. I'll be at the hospital all morning and possibly through most of the afternoon. If the place is set up for wifi, I'll be online at least part of the time. Because she's like a kid sister to me, I just have to be there. Otherwise, I'll just sit here biting my nails and waiting for her husband to call me.
8:34 am: Lynette and I went through the Starbucks drive-thru on the way to her office and now here I am at the hospital. Beau (Ville's husband) called before I left the house to say that she's in surgery now and that he had an errand to run. He'll be here soon. Meanwhile, I'll be doing my thing online, just as I do at home. Between the coffee at home and the cappuccino grande, I should be buzzing right along soon.
9:39 am: Beau got here about thirty minutes ago and sat in the chair across from me (I'm by the wall outlet). He's on his laptop, too. Nothing happening; people talking, news on the TV, sun's trying to come out. I did some work for a client and am waiting to hear back from him before I can do any more. Meantime, we wait. That's why they call it a waiting room. If it were moving, we'd be on a jet. I told the nurse that I'm Ville's sister. Like we look anything alike! LOL.
That reminds me of a night many years ago in California, when Ville and I went into a bar for some beers. After a little while, two dudes came over and tried to pick us up, asking if we were related. We said that we were sisters, with different fathers. The other dude said,
"I really see the family resemblance," and Ville laughed,
"You're so full of crap! We look nothing alike!"
Ville can get away with that kind of thing and get a laugh out of her "victim". I'd just be called a bitch if I tried it. Not that I would.
9:55 am: I just wrote a limerick:
There once was a girl named Ville,
Who suddenly got very ill;
She went to the doc,
Who gave her a smock,
Saying, "Bend over and I'll give you the bill."
10:00 am: Just heard word. Everything's going well!
10:50 am: Beau just spoke with the doctor. Ville's out of surgery and is doing well. Beau showed me a photo of Ville's guts (I love surgical things). That fibroid she had was the size of a football--no exaggeration! Ville will be very proud of the photo, she loves things like that. The doctor said we won't be able to see her for 45 minutes to an hour. Nettl and I are meeting for lunch at noon and Beau wants to go home and nap after Ville's in her room, so after lunch, I'll come back here and sit with her while she sleeps. Poor Beau's been popping Rolaids; now he's making the phone calls to family members.
11:12 am: Of course, there's a
"she-who-will-not-stop-talking" here. I swear, she hasn't inserted a comma or a period in her monologue for the past hour and a half. And of course, she's the loudest person in the room.
1:30 pm: I'm now in Ville's room (#310). Beau left and I'm standing--or sitting--vigil. I just read all of your comments to her and she was really happy that you are thinking of her. When I first got here I had to sit on the "potty chair" in the corner, but now I'm in the hospital version of a Laz-E-Boy (you know the ones). She's really very alert, for someone who's on morphine...
Nettl and I went to Panera, where we had French onion soup and a baguette.
Looks like Ville will be here until Sunday afternoon. She's complaining about all of the tubes and monitors, and says she feels like a Borg. Yeah, she's just fine.
Flashing a peace sign
Me: "Eat your Jell-o, Ville."
Ville: "What flavor is it?"
Me: "Red."
5:51 pm: Okay, I'm home now and about to go down to the kitchen to make dinner. Then I'm taking a siesta. It was good to see Ville feeling so well. I'll say one thing about her: she's not a baby!
Have a good night, oh Villacious One, and get
some sleep (if those nurses will let you!).
Heather and I will see you tomorrow afternoon.
P.S. If there's anything you want me to bring
you, let me know.