I vaguely remember seeing this on telly many, many years ago, only it was in black & white. I thought it was cool because, at the time, I was performing the role of Puck in a high school production of A Midsummer Night's Dream. Here it is in color. Nothing like some Scousers doing Shakespeare!
The ice storm wasn't nearly as bad as everyone feared, but the best part is that this is what I woke up to. Click to, well, you know...
Gaining Some Perspective
Dedicated to all those who think they're so damned important, indispensable, and powerful. Like Rush Limbaugh, Pat Robertson, Donald Trump, Chris Matthews, Lou Dobbs and countless web trolls)...
Our House

It's Doppelganger Week

Post a picture of someone famous who people have said you look like.
This game has been kind of fun, so I thought I'd bring it into Blogsville.
I've had many looks through the years. From the elfin teenager with the Beatle haircut to the sort of nondescript middle-ager I am today, I've tried on a whole lot of images. I've also been mistaken for a couple of people, which stories I'd like to share with you.
The first time I heard that I had a double was when I was a sophomore in high school. Someone came up to me all angry, asking me why I didn't say hi to them that morning in town. I told them I'd been in school all day and they said that they saw someone who looked exactly like me. That weirded me out and the concept of having a doppelganger came home to stay.
My first real experience was in 1977. I had my first credit cards, one which was at Joseph Magnin in Ventura. Magnin's was an upscale place that made me feel successful. They had some great clothes, an extensive petites section, and I was 26 and making good money as a camera operator at a television studio. I had just gotten my first "disco" perm and I looked hot. One afternoon while shopping, the girl at the jewelry counter asked me for my autograph.

"You're Laraine Newman," she whispered.
"I'm not. Sorry."
I didn't really take it as a compliment. Laraine Newman, though funny on SNL, wasn't at all how I imagined myself looking. And I was sooo into my looks during that period.
"Don't worry," she said. "I won't tell anyone that you're here, but if you need anything, just let me know."
I let it pass and later, when I'd found some things I wanted to try on, the same girl took me to the dressing room that they reserved for wedding dress fittings. It was huge--about 30-feet square--and looked more like an 18th-century French salon than it did a dressing room. She asked me if I wanted anything to drink, but I said no thanks and she left. Thinking that being mistaken for someone famous might not be so bad for a little while, I let it go, enjoying trying on clothes in first class.

With the exception of Spader, people always think I look like an enormously talented, brilliant Jewish woman, which doesn't suck. I'm flattered, really.
So, who do people say you resemble?
Up With Me You Cannot Put

But that's not what this post is about.
It has occurred to me that for the past week, all you've gotten from me here are posts about my book, and videos. That's cool, but some of you might not be all that interested in either my characters or Stevie Riks. I know some of you aren't happy, because I see it reflected in my hit counts, you see...
Mount Effin' Olympus
I found this video a few days ago and was just blown away. Here are Eric Clapton (Cream), John Lennon (the Beatles), Keith Richards (The Rolling Stones) and Mitch Mitchell (The Jimi Hendrix Experience), also known as The Dirty Mac, performing--live, no less--Yer Blues, Lennon's song that appeared on The Beatles (otherwise known as The White Album). Here is Lennon doing what he did and loved best: rockin' with other rockers and not being a Mop-Top. Go Johnny, go!
The Many Faces of Dylan

I admit it. I love films like this. Films that don't give you everything with the expectation that you actually know how to, and love to, think. I was amused by some of the comments left by other viewers (YouTube comments are so damned angsty, vicious, and grasping), especially those like, "This is where I stopped watching. I don't get it." Of course you don't get it. You have to think. Instead of turning it off to go watch Jackass, sit through it and let your brain cells knock together a little. It reminded me of when, back in the Sixties, the bubble gumming teenyboppers whined, "I don't get Dylan. He can't even sing. Put on the Monkees!"...
"Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better."
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
L'il Sprout

Visual Composition

Turn up your sound and enjoy your natural, inborn creativity!
Go, Stay, Stay, Go
The Huxley-Orwell Debate - in Cartoons

I Stumbled Upon this page last night and although there's a lot going on right now, I'm not comfortable blogging about it. This will have to suffice until I get myself back in shape.
All I Have for Monday
I Could Write About...

Someplace Else

Vienna? Sure, but...
Mexico? Okay, but...
Ventura? Great, but...
England? Lovely, but...
There are things happening all over the world, people experiencing things, and here I sit in Stillwater on a cold, snow-patched afternoon. It's an odd feeling, one that is new to me.
It's the Small Things

Armchair Circumnavigator: Tristan da Cunha

Capital: Edinburgh of the Seven Seas (known as The Settlement)
Language: English
Population: Barely 300 people.
Religions: Anglican, Roman Catholic
Monetary Unit: British Pound Sterling
When Napoleon was sent to St. Helena by the British, they annexed the nearest islands to prevent the French from attempting an ocean crossing of more than 1500 miles to rescue him. The islands in this chain were Nightingale Island, Inaccessible Island, and Tristan da Cunha Island.

The island follows a pretty set Monday through Friday routine, the work divided between that which benefits the family and that which aides the community. Sunday is for relaxing, church, and spending time with family. The island also has a social hall, a cafe, a supermarket, and a pub.

Visit Tristan da Cunha's official website.
Dark Roasted Blend
Photo Credits:
Rob Crossan & Simon Dunston
Sue Scott
Jean-Pierre Langer
Manuel Bauer
Peter Baldwin
Roland Swensson
Why I Love Ventura #11: Fiddlin' Phil
In Reality, What is Reality?

2009's Personal Best & Worst

Worst Party: As usual, the one that never happened.
Best Casual Get-Together: Summer on the porch with Ville
Worst Casual Get-Together: No get-together is bad!...
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