There are some moments that bury themselves deeply into our subconscious. Rarely are they the big, eventful, or seemingly significant moments, they are almost always moments that seem unimportant or mundane. I had one of those today...
The Dumbing-Down of America
Recently, I met someone who believes America is undergoing a rapid decline in religious morals due to mothers working outside the home, families not sitting at the table every night for dinner with French fries instead of mashed potatoes and gravy (?), modern music, dwindling numbers of regular church-goers and, especially, homosexuality. He also said that the 1950s were a “Golden Age” where family life was like Leave it to Beaver. All this knowledge and wisdom from a born-again 20-something whose ignorant misuse of the English language was appalling...
Brit Night
One of the established traditions here in our home is what we call, Brit Night. It’s all about PBS. Joel and I always meet in the den at 10:00 to watch the line-up of British sitcoms that are broadcast by PBS. Last summer the kids joined us, but during the school term their bedtime is at 10:00, so that counts them out. Lynette joins us until about 11:00 then goes to bed because she has to get up and go to work in the morning...
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