1. Did you date someone from your school senior year?
No. I was too busy being overwhelmed.
2. Did you marry someone from your high school(s)?
3. Did you car pool to school?
Santa Ynez: I rode with my dad, who dropped me off on his way to work.
Camarillo: I rode the bus with JP Deni. For a little while I rode on the back of a schoolmate's Yamaha motorbike.
4. What kind of car did you drive?
Didn't have one.
5. What kind of car do you have now?
Don't have one. LOL!
6. It's Friday night... where were you (in high school)?
Santa Ynez: at the Dolphin Club, listening to the bands, and dancing.
Camarillo: I was either at JP Deni's house or she was at mine. We liked playing our guitars together and drinking gallons of Constant Comment tea.
7. It is Friday night... where are you (now)?
At home.
8. What kind of job did you have in high school?
Santa Ynez: None.
Camarillo: I worked at a music store.
9. What kind of job do you do now?
I own my own web design company.
10. Were you a party animal?
I could have been, but I was a good kid. I partied with friends, but nothing like kids do these days. Sneaking into Cher's dad's scotch to make a scotch and Pepsi was about as far as it went for me in those days. I smoked a little pot in my junior year, but nothing earth shattering.
11. Were you considered a flirt?
Not at all. I was all about music and goals.
12. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?
Santa Ynez: I was in band (clarinet) and choir (alto).
Camarillo: Nada.
13. Were you a nerd?
Maybe to some people. I was a Folkie. In my senior year, some kids thought I was a narc because I was so quiet and shy, and always wore sunglasses.
14. Did you get suspended or expelled?
Never did. I made detention one time; can't remember why. See? A good kid.
15. Can you sing the fight song?
I have no idea what they were. I wasn't into that crap. I hated the games and compulsory pep rallies.
16. Who was/were your favorite teacher(s)?
Freshman year: Mrs. Ware (Literature)
Sophomore year: Mr. Kline (Band & Choir)
Junior year: Mr. Black (Drama)
Senior year: Miss Senior (U.S. History)
17. Where did you sit during lunch?
Different places through the 4 years, but always with friends.
Freshman year: the backstage steps in the theater department.
Junior year: front lawn.
Senior year: a lawn area near the cafeteria.
18. What was your school's full name?
Santa Ynez Valley Union High School
Adolfo Camarillo High School
19. When did you graduate?
20. What was your school mascot?
Santa Ynez: A pirate.
Camarillo: A scorpion.
21. If you could go back and do it again, would you?
Yes, as long as I knew what I know now.
22. Did you have fun at Prom?
I only went to the Junior Prom, and it was too formal and staid to have any real fun. I would have rather been at the Dolphin Club dancing to Ernie & the Emperors, or the Sharkais!
23. Do you still talk to your prom date?
No. I saw him once in 1971 or 72 and he was every bit as boring as he was in 1967. I only went with him because he pursued me rentlentlessly for two full years and was my best friend's cousin. Poor guy had no clue.
24. Who was your best friend?
I had several throughout high school.
Santa Ynez: Cathie Saunders, Cher Pickett, Vickii Robinson, and Pat Demory.
Camarillo: JP Deni.
25. What did you want to be when you grew up?
The 5th Beatle. What else?
26. Any regrets?
I wish I'd had half the self-confidence that I have now. I would have better handled of all those bully soshes that made life so difficult for me. (How do you spell "sosh"?)
27. Biggest fashion mistake?
Coppertone QT. 'Nuff said.
28. Favorite fashion trend?
I loved the whole Mod Sixties/Mary Quant/Twiggy thing. When that phased out for the hippie look, I liked the paisley/bellbottom/East Indian thing.
29. Are you going to your next reunion?
I've never gone. Probably never will.
30. Who did you have a secret crush on?
Pat Demory. She was a Puckish, cute Gemini, and we sang a lot of Bob Dylan together with our guitars.
31. Did you go on spring break?
We didn't have it back then. Not like now. I spent my spring breaks sleeping in and playing with my various garage bands.