

Nightmares and Dreams

I didn't have a lot of nightmares as a kid, which is strange due to the kind of childhood I had. In fact, I never really had nightmares until about 20 years ago. I sometimes have an old familiar nightmare about being hunted, usually by WWII enemy forces, but beyond that, nothing recurring. My nightmares are never ghoulish or creepy, they're usually rooted in everyday things. When I was a full-time, professional performer I dreamt about being on stage and forgetting my lyrics, or opening my mouth to sing and nothing coming out. Pure anxiety, nothing predictive or esoteric about it...

My dream life has always been very active, but in the late Seventies I began keeping a dream journal and things really kicked up. Now, I not only remember every dream I have every night of my life, but I often find myself analyzing my dreams whilst I'm in the midst of them. I sometimes "wake up" in my dream and take control of it, a practice otherwise known as lucid dreaming. I can also do astral travel at will, and do so frequently. I have witnesses who can vouch for me.

One of my more puzzling "gifts" is predicting earthquakes, but I only seem to be able to do this when I'm back home in California. Whenever I dream of an earthquake, a major one (5.0+) will strike somewhere on the North/South American west coast within 3 days. Anywhere except where I am! WTF!? What good is that? I don't understand the purpose of it, but it happens every time. Also, if I dream the same dream three time in a row, regardless of what it is, it will come true within three days.

This morning I was woken by a nightmare I'd never before experienced. It took me a little time to shake it, too. It's too long to go into here, and a bit personal, so I'll say only that when I analyzed it over my first coffee of the day, I realized it was related to financial stress and feeling like a captive to our present circumstances. From there, it's easy to find the solution and not repeat the waking nightmare.


  1. I have recurring places where nightmares (and other dreams) take place. There are two, mainly. One is a carvnival lot, which sometimes morphs into a Disneyland which looks nothing like the real Disneyland. The other is a stock apartment complex. I've had dreams where witches were chasing me, where I ran into my ex, Manson-type people had got me, as well as dreams about Nicki in both places.

  2. I often have what are called "working-out dreams" in which I try to resolve things. These particular dreams are always of me trying to resolve things with my mother. I always wake up mentally and physically exhausted from those. The other dreams I have all the time are what people have told me are out-of-body experiences, where I'm somewhere with a lot of people, interacting with them,and they seem to go on a long long time; but when I wake up, I realize they were all strangers and the place was a place I'd never been to before.

    I also have dreams in which I'm doing something and at the same time, I'm either looking up at myself doing it, or looking down on myself doing it. I don't know what that's all about. It's like I'm on two planes at the same time. Weird.

  3. I have dreams like that too Kathy. Like I am observing myself doing, whatever I am doing, yet I have the reactions, sensations and thoughts from my first person "mind". Weird.

  4. Ville dreams of dog-faced burritos and uterus balloons.


  5. If I remember a dream, it's usually because it's really bizzare, but often the meaning is quite profound. And I do dream in color--vivid color.

    The scariest dream I ever had was when I lived in Florida, and my three children were babies, (Lauren 3, Heather 20 months, and Nathan 2 months). I dreamed that we were crossing the Tampa Bay on the Howard Franklin bridge, (the scariest bridge in the world--high, narrow, and flimsy guard rails--we called it the Howard Frankenstein bridge!) I had all three of the kids in the car with me and they were all strapped in their car seats. Suddenly my car jumped the guard rail and plunged into the bay. I tried to save my children, but I realized that I was only going to have time to save one of them and I was forced to decide which one. Lauren was the closest one to me, and so I chose her. When I awakened, I was sobbing hysterically.

  6. I had a dream a couple of years ago in which I was driving my boss Kim's old Chevy truck up this very steep and high bridge. After starting down the other side, the road was covered in water and it was hard to tell where the road was. After I safely reached the other side, there was a parking area near the bridge. I pulled in, got out and saw that there was a big sign on one of the bridge supports. The sign said, "The Lumenaria Bridge." It was such a vivid dream and felt so real and that name! "lumenaria" = light - perhaps enlightenment? I still remember it clearly.

    Nettl - I always dream in vivid colors; in fact, part of the memory of my dreams is the color. I remember one dream - Joel will like this one - in which I was flying a very ugly Mountain Dew-like green Cessna very low over the desert. I can still see the view of the desert straight ahead through the windshield of the plane; at the same time, I was standing on the desert floor looking up at myself flying the plane overhead.

  7. I can't say that I've ever had a recurring nightmare. However, the most horrible one I've experienced was being a guest at my own funeral.

  8. I've had recurring dreams and nightmares before, but more than anything I've had the same recurring nightmarish sensation since I was a child. I hear this repetitive voice speaking really rapidly and nervously (I think it might be myself...), then I feel a dark presence either cowering over me or creeping behind me. It sounds weird, but it's terrifying in my sleep. Sometimes I even get reminded of it when I'm awake and all the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

  9. Mine are usually about spider webs and getting caught in them but no spiders,like they are hiding in the darkness near the webs waiting for me.But the big one is Disneyland(my Laughing Place).And like JPDeni said it never looks like it really does,it looks horrible and I am always pressed for time running and I miss my favorite attractions because I have to leave.Thats a dream I have on a regular basis,like clockwork.

  10. Interesting nightmares, guys. Thanks.


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