It just doesn’t seem like the holiday season until I attend a performance of Messiah, or hear a recording of Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker. From 1986 to 1992 I worked for Maestro Frank Salazar and the Ventura County Symphony, and over one weekend every December we produced four performances of the Nutcracker. I also sang tenor with the Ventura Community Chorale when we performed Messiah every year. As Frank’s assistant, I was kept pretty busy between all of the score preparation, rehearsals, and actual performances. Too, there were always musicians who hired me to compose arrangements of different holiday music that they were to perform at recitals, school concerts, and performances apart from the symphony...
On the personal end, Frank and his wife, Judi, held a posada, or open house, every Christmas Eve, which was never missed by anyone of any importance in Ventura County’s musical world. It began around noon and ended when it ended, often not until the wee hours. There was live music (usually a string trio of quartet), lots of spicy food on fine china, expensive wines in leaded crystal, tree-trimming, and stimulating conversation. Usually, I had to leave early so that I could make an appearance at one or two other events. I always had a round of parties and receptions to attend, and I loved it.
Life is quieter now, but there are the kids’ holiday concerts and of course, Nettl’s performances. I miss those hectic Decembers in the late ’80s and early ’90s. If I could, I’d do it all again, even though I think I’d have a harder time keeping up nowadays. I can hardly listen to the Nutcracker without feeling an overwhelming sense of painful nostalgia. I want to be in the orchestra pit so badly, I can hardly stand it (I not only worked as Conductor’s Assistant, but I also performed in the orchestra). I have not been to a live performance of that ballet since. I doubt that I ever shall. It just hurts too damned much. I miss being a performing musician. I think the people around me sometimes forget that I am indeed an accomplished musician and have an extensive background in music. It’s easy to do, I admit, since I’m never seen on stage anymore, or in the capacity of a conductor’s assistant. They don’t see me poring over scores, doing bowings, or composing for that matter. It has been a difficult 10 years where my music is concerned.
The kids’ winter vacation begins on Thursday, so I’m spending that day making all of the sinful goodies I have planned. They’ll be leaving on Christmas day to spend the rest of their vacation with their dad, so I want the days leading up to Christmas to be fun and musical, and in a house full of the aromas of cookies, gingerbread, candy, and hot spiced cider.
I’m really looking forward to tonight. Not only to the concert, but also to a possible after-concert visit from one of Nettl’s old school friends who is in town this weekend. He’s a great guy and we always look forward to his visits.
And it’s beginning to snow! How could it get any better?