

Things We All Take For Granted

Since I broke my elbow, I'm learning just how much I took for granted in the past:

1. Arm Rests on desk chairs.
2. Carrying a cereal bowl from the kitchen to wherever the telly is located while turning off light switches.
3. Folding anything larger than a washcloth.
4. Opening and applying shampoo.
5. Hell, taking a shower.
6. Driving.
7. Putting on and taking off shirts with no buttons.
8. Buttoning shirts with buttons.
9. Tying shoelaces.
10. Typing.
11. Holding a book open.
12. Opening a lunch meat "freshness" bag.
13. Sleeping in a comfortable position.
14. Using CTRL commands.
15. Tearing the TP, neatly.