When I rake, I only bother with the trees that hang over the drive and the back step, which door opens into the kitchen. The first couple of years we lived here I raked only once after the trees were finally bare, but I ended up with a pile about as tall as I am and the ensuing backache taught me to rake several times throughout the season. It usually takes three raking sessions, but I predict this year it'll be double that. Because we had such a rainy spring and summer, we have more leaves than ever before and it quickly gets difficult to walk up to the back door. Nigel likes the leaves. He likes to walk through them, although they nearly cover him in some places.
As a native southern Californian I didn't grow up with autumn so this has been a learning experience. But it is beautiful and it really does get one in the mood for a season of hot apple cider and hearty soups with crusty bread. Out come the fluffy socks, the woolly sweaters, and the warm throws, heralding the coming of Thanksgiving.
Maybe it's because I was born in September, I don't know, but autumn is my favorite season.