Last night I finally hit the wall, as the saying goes. The two months of 16+ hour days and then preparing to move upstairs finally hit me like a Mac truck. When it came time to move our bed and dresser upstairs (I’d moved my desk and office stuff, plus a lot of little crap during the day), I just plopped down in the chair, looked at Nettl and said, “I can’t do this. Can we call Jaeson and see if he can help?”
Because I’ve always had to do everything for myself, I’ve never learned how to ask for help, so when I’m finally forced to, I feel inadequate. So I don’t. I push and push myself until I’m in a complete state of exhaustion and ill health. Last night, however, middleage gave me the stare-down and I succumbed. Jaeson came over and what took him an hour, spared me of 3 or 4 days of physical hell. Thank you, dear friend!
After he left, we organized and such, then at 11:00 I took a Xanax, took a shower, watched about 30 minutes of telly, then went to bed. I slept for eight hours and awoke feeling much better. I think I’ll do this for the next few nights in order to get myself back on a human schedule. And from now on, I’m working no more than 10 hours a day on a client’s site, and those will be during the day, not from midnight-to-dawn. I hate to admit it, but I’m too old for this crapola.
In the picture above, see the small hexagonal aquarium on the right side of my desk? That’s Jet’s tank (my pal-buddy Betta). I’ve discovered that, since I put the right-hand speaker next to his tank, he hangs out beside it. Isn’t that cool?
Okay. Time to get dressed and get to work. I still have a million messes to clean up in our old room downstairs, and stuff to move up here.