I had a great time sitting on the patio that houses a huge fountain (and a huge dog), sharing conversation with this person and that. I spent most of the evening talking with the head of the geology department at OSU, an old hippie who had a lot stories to tell about when he and his wife lived in Dublin. In fact, the large group of guests was made up almost entirely of professors; people with interesting things to say, and colorful ways of saying them. It reminded me of some of the parties Frank Salazar held at his house in Ventura in the 1980s...
Unfortunately, I must have eaten something that disagreed with me because I was up all night in terrible pain that seared not only through my digestive system, but also radiated out through my chest, shoulders, arms and upper legs. It was frightening as well because it affected my breathing and my heart was racing as my blood pressure “whooshed” in my ears. I thought I was having a heart attack at one point.
I spent most of the night in the bathroom. I think that either I ate too many grape tomato, basil and mozzarella picks (something that I made and brought to the party), or maybe I was allergic to something I ate. I finally got to sleep after four o’clock, my abdomen distended and griping. I’m still feeling pretty weak and uneasy in the nether regions, so I think I’m going to take the day off from blogging, as well as from working on my current project.