

Blame Monty

It’s her fault that you have to deal with yet another meme.

1. Hum a jingle to which you know all the words:
I’m with Monty. If I know the words, why do I have to hum it? Anyway, here’s the jingle:

Meow meow meow meow,
Meow meow meow meow;
Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow!
Meow meow meow meow,
Meow meow meow meow;
Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow!
Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow,
Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow;
Meow meow meow meow meow.

2. As a kid, you played a board game over and over. And you cheated, you little bastard. What was the game?
Cheat!? I didn’t cheat. I was smarter than the other kids and didn’t have to cheat! And it pissed me off when someone else did. I always ratted on them too. Bet I’m the egg-headed kid you all hated!

3. What is the name of the song that you’ve been singing the incorrect words all these years? What were you singing? What should you have been singing?
Monty and I have the same song. Cool! Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffet. Here’s what I thought he said:

Wasted away in Margaritaville, searching for my outlaw shaker of salt.

But what he actually says is:

Wasted away in Margaritaville, searching for my long-lost shaker of salt.

4. What is the most embarrassing childhood story that your parents drag(ged) out just to fuck with you for their own private amusement?
My mother used to love to tell people about the time when I was five, and my uncle was wrestling with me. I kept saying I had to pee (tickling did that to me). He wouldn’t stop, and I hated being tickled, so I peed all over him.


  1. Wow, I had “searching for my long lost jigger and salt” — what a stu.

  2. That’s what Monty thought it was, too. Funny!

  3. HA! I’m so glad I’m not the only moron.

    Not that I’m implying any of YOU are morons…no. No way. ;)

  4. There ought to be a law requiring singers to enunciate; I tell you, there ought to be a law.

  5. I always thought it was “Wastin’ away in Margaritaville…”
    Who knows?


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