

Blog Versatility

I don't know why, but after nine years of blogging, I'm still tickled when someone presents me with an award. I haven't seen all that many in the past couple of years, though. I think they kind of came and went with the first flush of blogging infatuation. Sadly, now that we have places like Facebook and Twitter, blogging and reading blogs seems to be taking a bit of a nose dive as a popular daily activity. I blame this on the ever-decreasing attention span. But those of us who like to read and who are curious about how other people think will not give up either reading or writing blogs until the last blog host closes up shop. And I don't predict that happening anytime soon...

Anyway, I was presented with The Versatile Blogger award by Kelly over at Byzantium's Shores. He too has been blogging for nine years, and let me tell you something: when you've been posting nearly every day for that long, you have to be versatile. I accept this award with a great deal of humility. You see, I consider Kelly to be an exemplary blogger, thinker and human being. I was a fan of his long before he even knew I existed and it took me a long time to "woo" him, so his opinion of my blogging really matters to me. Here's what he said about me:
"SK Waller of Incurable Insomniac is also a fantastic blogger from the wilds of Oklahoma. She's had a tough go of it through life, but she writes openly and honestly about it all. Hers is a musical soul, and she's got a lot of songs to sing. I constantly wish for her to have a big success story."
Thank you!

So now, I'm supposed to tell you seven things about myself, then present this award to some bloggers whom I think deserve it. I hope I can think of seven things that you don't already know about me!
  1. I like to "try on" other people's faces. When I see someone whose face and/or expression grabs my attention, I find myself mimicking it to find out how it feels. I don't do this where they can see me though, I wait until I'm out of their sights.
  2. I like raw food. Especially raw potatoes, radishes and tomatoes with a bit of salt, and at parties I like to serve barely blanched vegetables like green beans, asparagus and cauliflower. Raw meat, however, is right out.
  3. I don't have a car! But if anyone would like to send me one, I'd really like a 1966 Mini Cooper, a Jeep Sahara, or vintage Volkswagen (bug or van, I'm not picky).
  4. I've started writing Rock music again. On an electric guitar. And the songs are pretty damned good, too. When I went back to school in 1986 to study classical composition, I dropped my passion for Rock, Blues and MOR. Suddenly, it's come back to me and I'm loving it. Imagine that. At my age!
  5. I have little feet. Until I started going barefoot all the time, I wore a size 5, but these days I'm up to a 6. And they're really narrow. When I was a child I had to have special shoes because my feet were AAAA width. Our kids say I have fairy feet. I inherited this from grandmother Nora. She was 4' 10" tall, weighed 90 lbs. and wore a size 3 shoe. Wow! Talk about your Pictish blood!
  6. I'm secretly working on my next book, Harley & Colette. But you never heard me say that. Yes, I'm busy writing my trilogy, but sometimes I sneak over to H&C and work on it when I need a bit of a diversion.
  7. My favorite junk food is BBQ pork rinds. Yeah, I know. Bite me.
And now, the bloggers:
  • Vienna for Dummies: Badger is witty, intelligent and cynical, and he has razor-sharp insights. He's also one of the kindest, most tender-hearted men I've ever known on the web or off. His blog is always the first place I go when I venture onto the web in the morning. I hope his current blog block is only temporary because I love reading him every day while I have my first cup of coffee. I vote Badger the blogger I'd most like to sit and drink wine with.
  • Ladybits: I await each of Mrs. Anke's blog posts like I do absinthe drizzling over a sugar cube. Each and every entry is a delight as she writes about her town of Royal Tunbridge Wells, in England. Her humor is sparkling, her humor is a bit naughty, and I just love reading her.
  • In Jayne's World: Okay, I admit it. I'm not into political blogs. In fact, I hate politics with a purple passion, but I read Jayne Martin's blog in the same spirit that I used to watch The Daily Show and The Colbert Report (when we had cable). Jayne really needs a show of her own because she cuts through the crap that the media puts out and she delivers it clearly and in a way that always makes me (for reals) laugh out loud.
There are so many other blogs that deserve this award, but it's late and my muscle relaxer has kicked in. If you didn't get awarded please don't think that I don't love your blog. I've tried to select bloggers to whom I've never presented an award in the past.

And now, goodnight!