Anyway, I was presented with The Versatile Blogger award by Kelly over at Byzantium's Shores. He too has been blogging for nine years, and let me tell you something: when you've been posting nearly every day for that long, you have to be versatile. I accept this award with a great deal of humility. You see, I consider Kelly to be an exemplary blogger, thinker and human being. I was a fan of his long before he even knew I existed and it took me a long time to "woo" him, so his opinion of my blogging really matters to me. Here's what he said about me:
"SK Waller of Incurable Insomniac is also a fantastic blogger from the wilds of Oklahoma. She's had a tough go of it through life, but she writes openly and honestly about it all. Hers is a musical soul, and she's got a lot of songs to sing. I constantly wish for her to have a big success story."Thank you!
So now, I'm supposed to tell you seven things about myself, then present this award to some bloggers whom I think deserve it. I hope I can think of seven things that you don't already know about me!
- I like to "try on" other people's faces. When I see someone whose face and/or expression grabs my attention, I find myself mimicking it to find out how it feels. I don't do this where they can see me though, I wait until I'm out of their sights.
- I like raw food. Especially raw potatoes, radishes and tomatoes with a bit of salt, and at parties I like to serve barely blanched vegetables like green beans, asparagus and cauliflower. Raw meat, however, is right out.
- I don't have a car! But if anyone would like to send me one, I'd really like a 1966 Mini Cooper, a Jeep Sahara, or vintage Volkswagen (bug or van, I'm not picky).
- I've started writing Rock music again. On an electric guitar. And the songs are pretty damned good, too. When I went back to school in 1986 to study classical composition, I dropped my passion for Rock, Blues and MOR. Suddenly, it's come back to me and I'm loving it. Imagine that. At my age!
- I have little feet. Until I started going barefoot all the time, I wore a size 5, but these days I'm up to a 6. And they're really narrow. When I was a child I had to have special shoes because my feet were AAAA width. Our kids say I have fairy feet. I inherited this from grandmother Nora. She was 4' 10" tall, weighed 90 lbs. and wore a size 3 shoe. Wow! Talk about your Pictish blood!
- I'm secretly working on my next book, Harley & Colette. But you never heard me say that. Yes, I'm busy writing my trilogy, but sometimes I sneak over to H&C and work on it when I need a bit of a diversion.
- My favorite junk food is BBQ pork rinds. Yeah, I know. Bite me.
- Vienna for Dummies: Badger is witty, intelligent and cynical, and he has razor-sharp insights. He's also one of the kindest, most tender-hearted men I've ever known on the web or off. His blog is always the first place I go when I venture onto the web in the morning. I hope his current blog block is only temporary because I love reading him every day while I have my first cup of coffee. I vote Badger the blogger I'd most like to sit and drink wine with.
- Ladybits: I await each of Mrs. Anke's blog posts like I do absinthe drizzling over a sugar cube. Each and every entry is a delight as she writes about her town of Royal Tunbridge Wells, in England. Her humor is sparkling, her humor is a bit naughty, and I just love reading her.
- In Jayne's World: Okay, I admit it. I'm not into political blogs. In fact, I hate politics with a purple passion, but I read Jayne Martin's blog in the same spirit that I used to watch The Daily Show and The Colbert Report (when we had cable). Jayne really needs a show of her own because she cuts through the crap that the media puts out and she delivers it clearly and in a way that always makes me (for reals) laugh out loud.
And now, goodnight!