

No Blue Meanies Allowed

Yesterday I was surprised when the postman delivered a package from my lifelong friend, Deni. I was expecting some essential oils she'd made, but I was NOT expecting this awesomely fab teapot cosy that she knitted for me. I was so jazzed!

When we painted our kitchen a light apple green I wasn't so sure I liked the color. Let's face it, I'm more a sage and ivory kitchen person. But when I had Nettl print this out for me, I put it on the wall beside the range, and it occurred to me that the wall color would be the perfect backdrop for a sort of Pepperland kitchen. Not too kitschy, but an understated mod cool. The tea cosy is a perfect fit! And Deni didn't even know my kitchen plans. How cool is that? Jeez. After all these years, I'm back to collecting Beatle stuff...