

Primal Urges

Last Saturday evening a girl from Nettl’s office came over for dinner and wine. We had such a good time. Lauren and Heather were out at the Winter Formal, so Joel and Micah joined us in the living room, where, after the wine loosened us up a bit, Micah and I got our guitars and jammed. At one point, we got into drumming rhythms and everyone joined in. It was almost tribal. I come from a long line of drummers and grew up with this kind of impromptu ritual, but nothing like that has happened for me in well over 15 years.

Drums are so soothing to me, probably because for as long as I can remember there was always at least one set in our house, usually two. I especially love to drum, but not many people know that I’m really accomplished–it’s not something I get an opportunity to exercise anymore. But I sang a few songs, which felt equally as good. I still have a great voice, and I don’t mind saying so.

I want to do it again!