It was about that time that I borrowed a guitar from a kid at our church and began trying to play it. I was 12, and since I didn't know about chords, I picked out melodies and played a slide style using a butter knife. I don't know how I knew to do that. I taught myself a few things and then I had to give the guitar back. It would be another two years before I finally got my own.
I didn't know about 12-strings either, until The Beatles and The Byrds made them popular in 1965. I bought my first one in 1968 with money I'd saved from my first job stringing and tuning guitars at a local music store. That's how I met Deni. By then I was a full-fledged folkie, playing Dylan and Donovan, and anyone else whose LPs I could get my hands on, the acoustic 12-string guitar quickly becoming my signature instrument. And all because of the Rooftop Singers.
MAIN INFLUENCES: The 12-string acoustic guitar, not being afraid to be a little heavy on the bottom strings, the power of folk music.
P.S. Sorry, this is the only decent video I could find of this song.