

It's National Delurking Week 2009

Today begins National Delurking Week*, a time during which those of you who read blogs but don't comment can safely rise to the surface and grab a little air, and we bloggers can meet you.

Shy? Don't be.
Don't know what to say? Just say hi.
Afraid? What of? There's nothing to be afraid of here on my blog. Everyone's welcome and safe here.
A regular commentor? Say hi so that those who aren't won't feel like they have to be the first.

Come out, come out, whoever you are! (If you're a Flying Monkey, i.e. stalker/troll, however, just go away and don't bother to embarrass yourself.)

If you don't feel comfortable delurking, thank you for reading my blog anyway. It means a lot to me.

*According to different blogs, the actual dates for Nation Delurking Week are open for debate; I'm going with January 4-10, because they're nearest the first of the year.


  1. Too funny! Yes, there are a ton of lurkers out there. I rarely visit a blog without leaving a comment. Why not, I'm already there, right?

  2. Hi. I'm a regular reader, but I'm not sure how often I comment!

  3. I may be a newbie, but I can comment with the best of em!!
    Nice post Steph!

  4. Earl: You're welcome! I predict you'll post National Delurking Week on your blog next. ;)

    Tess: You're a peach, Tess. Thanks!

  5. I love it!!!! Let's make every week delurking week!!!!!!

  6. Kay: I think a lot of shy people would have nervous breakdowns!

  7. Thanks. I'm actually feeling better tonight. Even at my worst, I wasn't as ill as Nettl was.

  8. Hi Steph!
    I want to wish you and Nettl a very happy and healthy New Year!
    Yours sincerely,

  9. Thanks Marti. I'm STILL blown away that you know Karma... Life is amazing!

  10. I see you have plenty of company.. no need for my comment, so I just won't leave one..


  11. Hi! :-)))

    I often come here without leaving a comment. Simply a matter of not feeling like having anything to add.

  12. Hilary: :)

    Merisi: I do the same thing.

  13. Found you through Willow. You're pretty funny! And I'm an old blabber mouth..not being relevant hasn't stopped me yet! Comment? Oh yeah.

  14. Hi, I'm here from Willow's - well who isn't from Willow's these days - yikes, over 700 followers! - loved her interview with you, but when I read that this was delurking week?, I had to reply even though this is my first time here - I'm putting a dodah on my sidebar right now! thanks so much, will be back!

  15. Hi Incurable,

    Just passing through via Willow's (ditto Jeane!) and am following instructions!!

    I enjoyed Willow's interview and have also just read F-Major's via here. Clearly, they have given much thought to their answers and it's good to learn that little bit more.

    Hope your cold is better. Happy New Year.

  16. Thanks. I'm doing much better now.

  17. Aww! We missed Delurking Week! But we'll post a comment anyway. We hardly ever get any comments..not sure if it's cause we scare people or we have bad blog breath. Anyway, Happy Belated Delurking Week!

  18. Thanks for commenting! It's appreciated!

  19. Aww! We missed Delurking Week! But we'll post a comment anyway. We hardly ever get any comments..not sure if it's cause we scare people or we have bad blog breath. Anyway, Happy Belated Delurking Week!


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.