

Did You Hear the One About...

...the guy in Florida who stole a Eucharist wafer and was charged for perpetrating "a hate crime against the Body of Christ"? Obviously, kidnapping a disk of water, flour and vegetable shortening is something to get all worked up over. Oh, and we can sleep at night again; the kidnapper returned his hostage, apparently unharmed, after receiving numerous email threats.

Native Americans, Jews, Gays, African Americans, and millions of other murdered victims must be relieved.


  1. I found the story on BeliefNet and thought it was as asinine as it was interesting. GMTA, I guess!

  2. "People can get a bit crazy when it comes to their pets" paraphrased from Harry Potter's Hagrid character...

    Seems to fit here.. Isn't there something in the 10 commandments section of the bible about not worshiping idols? I know it is blessed by a priest, and that it represents the body of christ, but it is not the body of christ?

  3. The thing is that many people believe that the communion wafer actually *is* the body of Christ and not just a symbol of it or a representation of it.

    --When at his Last Supper, Jesus said: "This is my body", what he held in his hands still had all the appearances of bread.... However, the Roman Catholic Church believes that, when Jesus made that declaration, the underlying reality (the "substance") of the bread was converted to that of his body. In other words, it actually was his body, while all the appearances open to the senses or to scientific investigation were still those of bread, exactly as before. The Church holds that the same change of the substance of the bread and of the wine occurs at the consecration of the Eucharist.--


  4. I understand all that, but really. Hate crime? Kidnapping? It's an insult to those who have actually suffered hate crimes.

    They can buy buckets of 250 wafers for only $5.47.

    But this whole eating-the-god blood cult appeasement thing is ridiculous to me anyway, reprobate that I am.

  5. What's next? Wafer scanners at church doors? LOL!

  6. I find eating flesh and blood a bit disgusting ANYWAY. Even if in effegy.
    I remember one time a girl in my class got sick and puked her "host" up all over the church floor. The janitor was actually instructed to keep in in a bucket so that it can be properly disposed of. After all it was Jesus vomit after all. Seriously people. Past lives are a ridiculous notion, but turning a cracker into real flesh....that's plausible...right?
    I'm going to go home and hide the Saltines.

    "JeezIts" Now with 25% more Christ. MmmMmmMmm

    Everythings better when it sits on a Christ.

    The snack that smiles back, Godfish.

    Try the new and improved Billy Graham crackers. Twice the lies and manipulation that those other brands.

  7. Ya know, I always thought there would be fewer lapsed Catholics (like me) if the freakin' host tasted better.

    If that shit tasted like a nice salt cracker, I might not have minded it so much.

  8. It's called "transubstantiation" and it's purely Catholic. I'm not sure if the Episcopals believe in it, too, but for the most part, the Protestant denominations consider the "bread & wine" to be purely symbolic.

  9. Wheat Sins.
    Eat all you want....we'll forgive you later.

    Christian in a Biskit.

    Cloister Crackers.
    All of the flavor, Nun of the fat.

  10. If the host tasted better would you feel guilty for liking the taste of the flesh of Christ?

  11. What is it with American Christianity? It seems to get more outrageous and ridiculous every year! It's this kind of stupid nonsense that drove me from organized religion! And the churches complain that they're losing congregants. Well, duh!!

  12. Mmm, Jesus Pieces, my favorite.


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