

Scents of the Past

Toni Perms
Alkaline and ammonia.

Revlon Touch & Glow foundation
Takes me back to 1965.

Hai Karate
Might as well have been the air freshener in every boy's car.

Hawaiian Tropics Dark Tanning Oil
I still take a surreptitious whiff whenever I see it in a store.

Clean and green, no sting!
Memories of summer sunburns and scraped knees.

Heaven Scent
The innocent side of the Sixties.
Open a can and you're instantly taken back to your childhood.

Mimeographed Papers
A total visceral experience. The smell of the ink, the smoothness of the paper,the feel of your pencil gliding over it, and the sound of the "crank-crank-crank"
as the teacher or school secretary ran off all those assignments and class projects.