

Drunken Justice

Have you heard about the woman who tried to dance on the bar of her favorite watering hole? Seems she fell and broke her ankle. Now she's suing the bar for 50 grand.

I wonder if I could sue someone for all the hangovers I've had through the years...



  1. No self-accountability? Why doesn't this surprise me?

    I feel totally guilty now if I leave your blog without feeding the fish and leaving at least 10 hugs for Deni!

    Word verification:

    "Yv pinned me against the wall!"

  2. I never forget how, in the 80s, they changed the law to make bartenders and servers responsible if someone over-drank. They took the resposibility off of the purchaser and changed the wording to "over-served." Really, that's just ridiculous! If you're a dumb enough drunk ass to get on the bar and you break your ankle, you should be too ashamed to talk about it in the morning, let alone sue. Okay, well you can brag, if you're the make fun of your own foibles type. If you drink and drive and get busted, or worse, YOU did it. It wasn't the booze that made you buy the booze and it wasn't the bartenders fault that you kep ordering drink after drink after drink. Drunk or not, you know better.


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