

Signs of Spring

There are certain irrefutable signs appearing that tell me spring is on its way. We had no real winter to speak of, which makes me sort of dread the upcoming tornado and mosquito seasons. Still, seeing the first daffodil in the bed that lines our drive is always exciting. Yesterday, the gardener came out for the first time this year to mow and pick up dead branches that the wind knocked from our old trees. Every morning this weekend there was a huge robin that splashed away in the bird bath outside the bedroom window. I was able to put the lighter blanket on the bed. The cat is spending more time outdoors. And poor Nettl is suffering with her yearly bout of allergies now that the Bradford Pears are beginning to bloom. All signs of Spring...

Despite my health, Spring Fever has smacked me upside the head. I'm organizing cupboards, cleaning corners, filling mason jars with herbs and onions for the kitchen window ledge, and over the weekend I removed the upper cabinet doors, painted the inside back walls, and set the shelves neatly with our white pottery bowls, hand painted plates, and all sorts of things. It makes the kitchen look twice as wide. This picture does it absolutely no justice. It looks so much homier and sweet in 'real life'.

There are things I want to get done before my surgery because I'm liable to spend most of summer in a brace and won't be able to do much in the way of decorating, painting, and planting. Unfortunately, my project list will most likely have to be edited and shortened. The upside is that I'll probably get a lot of writing done.

Or else I'll get quite proficient at Angry Birds.