

Great Question

The Muttering Muse has asked a thought-provoking question:

What would you attempt to do if you knew you couldn’t fail?


  1. I could say something really profound and humanitarian-like here. You know, like, achieve world peace or save the rain forests, but truthfully, I would do stand-up comedy. I think I could be pretty good at it, but I have gut wrenching stage fright. I don’t even like it when Steph puts me on the spot to “Do your Nixon face!”

  2. I’d fly. I mean, no airplane, no anything, just arms out, jump off a building and fly.

  3. Only one thing? I have a million little things.

    Okay. One. I’d invent a teleporter. It wouldn’t be as much fun as flying, but it would get me where I wanted to go.

  4. I’d debut at the Met as the Contessa in “Le Nozze di Figaro”.

  5. Sleep……… zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  6. Oh, where do I start? Learn to play a musical instrument; learn a second language; write a book. There are other things but those are the three main things I’d like to do.

  7. I think I’d just take over everything and start designating smaller powers to my buddies. :)

  8. Only one thing? I have a million little things.

    Okay. One. I’d invent a teleporter. It wouldn’t be as much fun as flying, but it would get me where I wanted to go.


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