


Google image searching has become quite a sport. A hit-and-miss sport. Do you remember when you could type in a search word and the pictures that came back actually had something to do with that word? Just now, when I typed in "olio", I'd already predicted what they would send back to me, so I added, "-oleo -oil" and still, I got pages of olive oil.

Olio: A miscellaneous mixture or collection.

Does anyone even use this word anymore? I mean, apart from crossword puzzles and Scrabble? Eh, well. Here's my olio:
  • I really don't understand groupies. I especially don't understand 60+ year-old women with bleached blonde hair who think they're still 18, and act like groupies with all the jealousy, gossip, and backbiting. Especially when they're abusive bitches, and crazy as a March Hare besides. That filtered, blurry, Photoshopped profile picture doesn't fool anybody, chickie. Grow the feck up. Or maybe you should see a shrink, or get hormone replacement.
  • Mondays are no longer a usual work day for me. Since Nettl has begun to get voice students again, Monday will now be spent dusting and vacuuming. Might as well make this my housework day. I never feel like editing on Monday, anyway.
  • I'm loving Keith Richards' autobiography, Life, so much. I especially love his long dissertations about music, and how he plays certain things the way he does, and how he discovered those things. I guess a lot of readers just want to read the dirt, but I appreciate that he's kept his musician's slant in the forefront where it belongs.
  • We had nearly two solid days of rain over the weekend. It was lovely! Because the temps lingered in the high-70s, we could leave the doors and windows open. So fresh and so perfect for reading! And today is a beautiful, sunny day. I could live with these weather patterns forever.
  • At this very moment, Nettl is giving a lecture about her book at the local chapter of the Twentieth Century Women's Club. Go Nettl!
  • I have Book Three (With A Song) of my trilogy outlined. I know who all the characters are. I know the plot. Somehow, though, I can't seem to get the nuts up to start writing it, I'm so burned out. So I'm giving myself until January 1st to start writing. Meantime, I'm working on the supplemental eBook, Enharmonic Intervals, which is Gordon's memoirs. That's coming out very well. Book Two will be published just as soon as I get it back from my "second pair of eyes".
That's it from me. I'm all olioed out and I have stuff to do. Have a great Monday!

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