

Warm and Cozy

Icy Solstice
What better way to welcome winter today than with an ice storm and snow? Warm and snug indoors, I've set to my holiday baking while the rest of he family shop, relax with Windham Hill seasonal music, and play with the dog...

Today, I'm busy making dark chocolate and pecan fudge, and the dough for my white-on-white cutout Christmas cookies. Tonight I'll bake and ice those and tomorrow, after I finish my own shopping, I'll make a batch of Turkish Delight.

Last night's ice storm left the entire town... state... region looking like the proverbial Winter Wonderland. It's right out of Dr. Zhivago. The original color photo is below. Unfortunately (for me, anyway), we're slated to have "plenty of sun" on both Christmas Eve and Day. Oh well, I'm getting my white Christmas at the time I really love it most: when I'm shopping and baking.

Stay warm and, if you're driving this holiday, stay safe!

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